CTI-CMM version 1.1 is here!
The CTI-CMM beta assessment tool is a stand-alone spreadsheet intended for users to download and use locally. Users self-evaluate their current maturity posture across each of the objective in a domain using the CTI0-CTI3 scale. In this tool, CTI0 represents no capability, CTI1 a partial implementation, CTI2 largely implemented, and CTI3 for fully implemented.
The Beta CTI-CMM self-assessment tool is a standalone spreadsheet that dynamically populates as the user fills out scores across each domain. Inside of the spreadsheet, there's an introductory section, an obligatory read me on how to use the tool, and a master dashboard, before displaying each section's content.
Please download a local copy of the spreadsheet.
The CTI-CMM assessment tool is comprised of 230 statements across its 11 sections. Each section aligns to a different function or stakeholder a CTI program could service, which means that not all sections are relevant for every CTI program. As a result, some programs, especially those with a larger set of customers, may spend more time than others.
However, since the assessment is an introspective self-evaluation the CTI program should document its sources of evidence and line of reasoning to support the evaluation score it provides. As a result, CTI programs who plan to use CTI-CMM as a benchmark for program maturity and organizational reach will reap the benefits from having spent time enumerating supporting documentation--called "Evidence" in the assessment--and the line of reasoning for scoring.
We recommend CTI programs perform an assessment using this tool at least bi-annually, often after end of year strategic planning and at the mid-point in the year to benchmark progress. If a CTI program re-structures or expands its remit, we would encourage CTI programs to develop a roadmap using the criteria identified in each section then identify growth trajectory at the six month milestone.
We love this! Our team strives on feedback and is always looking for how we can make the framework and the tool more useful. If you would like to provide feedback on the framework please use this link otherwise please send an email to contact@cti-cmm.org with the subject line "Assessment Tool Feedback". We ask that, as possible, please provide suggestions on what you envision the change or feature request to look like in a subsequent version.
CTI-CMM is always curious to hear how our users have been able to implement the model in their own organization. If you would be comfortable sharing that with us, drop us a note at contact@cti-cmm.org with the subject line containing the word "testimonial". In your email, please identify whether you would be okay with us using your testimonial on the website as-is, lightly sanitized, or anonymized. For those who reach out, we may follow up should we have any additional questions.